SSMIDD aka. Casha FERRARI* info[at]gedankenschmied[.]net +49 163 172 6863
see selected projects by SSMIDD here:
Trans-dimension TRAILER
The actors happen to play in a space which offers a 3-D-illusion. They act as if they were acting something happens in front of their eyes. Their gestures seem to relate in a world of shabby concepts. They remind us to something or was it in the movies or is it all just a dream? The only color is brought by the TV. It shows images of a world with men who didn't need glasses to touch the nature of permanent illusion.
Movie Title: Trans-dimension ~un de chute~
Cast: lian ya-hui, marcus philippe, lan hungh
Duration: 8:23 min
Color: B&W and color
Format: DV 4:3
Sound: mute
Direction/Camera: ssmidd//gedankenschmied-project
SSMIDD präsentiert:
1)) Videoscreening: "Trans-dimension ~un de chute~" eine experimentelle Kurzfilmarbeit frisch aus Paris, feat. liang ya-hui, philippe marcus & lan hungh
- Markthalle IX Eisenbahnstr. 43/Pücklerstr. 34
2)) Photocollage/Installation im öffentlichen Raum: "scetch for an installation" 2010
- Markthalle IX innen
3)) Videoinstallation in der Videothek VIDEO INN: "Film als subversive Kunst: A~F" basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Buch von Amos Vogel
- Eisenbahnstr. [E2]
Kunst- und Kulturfestival im Kiez
>>Muskauer-, Eisenbahn-, Pücklerstraße, Lausitzer Platz<<
und in der Markthalle IX
Eisenbahnstr. 43
Pücklerstr. 34
10997 Berlin
Fr 11. März 19:00 – 22:00/24:00 Uhr
Sa 12. März 12:00 – 22:00/24:00 Uhr
So 13. März 12:00 – 20:00 Uhr
Schirmherr ist der Bezirksbürgermeister von Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Herr Dr. Franz Schulz

The exhibition will present works from Designers, Writers, Painters, Dancers, Video Artists, Musicians and Visionaries, that have all participated in the 10 days long festival “Schmiede” in Hallein/Austria. The exhibition will give an insight into the Schmiede festival and artists occupations. All in all it will be a presentation of works conducted by Smiths, past as well as current, in their final state.
This friday the BasedInBerlin exhibtion will finally open its doors.
Come on down for Smith performances, photography, videos, paintings, drawings, embroidery and music on Friday and for panel talks and art project presentations on Saturday afternoon.
Bring your friends and family and have a good time with us.
Performance / Happening /M usic
20.00 Welcome – Curators „Based in Berlin“
20.10 Lan Hung / SSMIDD / Marcus Phillipe performance “Video interaction”
21.00 „Ebert brothers“ music performance
22.00 Dj Malte One
23.00 Bill Robin “Rebel HiFi”
24.00 Johan Ström “Swedish boy”
17.00 Rüdiger "Schmiede"
17.30 Jennis Li Cheng "Goldrausch"
18.00 Chun Chi Wang "Idolon studio – artist in recidence"
19.00 Gabriel Shalom "The Future of Art"
Maria Morschitzky "Fadenskizzen"
Weronika Janatková "Degoran"
Bruno Peláez / Ellinor Ljungkvist "Crystalline & Amorphous"
Bartholomäus Traubeck / Lux Reapeat "Avoiding you"
Inga Linksaite "Bird Story"
Maria Morschitzky "Bathroom"
Bojana Rudovic Zvanut "Berlin 2010"
Juan Arata
Marcus Phillipe
Lan Hung
Georg Sherlin "Rudolf Arnheim – kunst und sehern" / "Antgottschalk"
Benjamin Hohneiser "Video Control"
More Information:
Adalbertstr. 4
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