SSMIDD and LAN HUNGH present
Exhibition: 11-18 February, Thursday-Saturday 4-7PM Vernissage: Saturday 11 February, 6-10PM
When the German multipurpose artist ssmidd and the Taiwanese performer Lan Hungh decide to collaborate on an art project, they adventure themselves on a terra incognita — a land of mystery. The first time they experimented collaboration was in June 2008 in Berlin. Let’s burn 3D is the second part of the project. In this show, each of them is part of the process of creation, based on the confrontation between their mutual experience and the quest transgressing limits of creativity and imagination.
By investigating the relations between metaphysical topics such as past and present (and the border between them), original and copy, single and double (substitute), they propose innovative and interactive approaches / ways / means to accede to unexplored fields of consciousness. Where and when is reality ending and illusion beginning? How to define our own identity if not confronting it to others? Is it possible not to get schizophrenic in a world in continuous acceleration of time and reduction of distance? How far does everyone else’s sight legitimate our existence as a human being?
ssmidd and H. Lan’s installations are born from the interactive combination of all those interrogations. They also refer to art history, especially the Nouvelle vague and the Vienna Secession movement. By involving the spectator physically and emotionally in their project, both artists tend to encourage the hypertrophy of his senses and to play interactively with his limits.
The installation will contain projection, 3D-videoobjects, image-objects and other three dimensional means.
Text: Delphine Marinier, Peter Krilles
works by ssmidd:
Film: Trans-dimension ~un de chute~
Cast: lian ya-hui, marcus philippe, lan hungh
Duration: 8:23 min
Color: B&W and color
Format: DV 4:3
Sound: mute
Direction/Camera: ssmidd//gedankenschmied-project

(wallobject in collaboration with a second videosequence by Lan Hungh)
Duration: 3:13 min 24 frames
Color: color
Dimension: 3D anaglyphisch rot/zyan
Format: DV 16:9
Sound: mute
Direction/Camera: ssmidd//gedankenschmied-project
Sculpture: Der Standard 3
by SSMIDD//gedankenschmied-project 2012
objet trouvé modifié
350x350x175 mm
Indian Holodeck I & Indian Holodeck II
by SSMIDD//gedankenschmied-project 2012
mixed media
each 34x76 cm