Emoji Manadala 001 classic by SSMIDD

The piece has been minted and made available to public by DAS KAPiTAL

it can be 3D-visited here

the KAPITAL-exhibition can be 3D-visited here

a literal GEDANKENSCHMIED-PROJECT description of the artwork is available here

"Emoji Manadala 001 classic" by SSMIDD is just another beginnig of several encrypted virtual art series to come. 

nevertheless this process is part of an already up and running deeper connection to virtual art within the artistic process.

"Emoji Manadala 001 classic" has originally been designed during the darker times of 2020.


Archive.20150131 - 7 years ago

7 years ago SSMIDD was visiting Arteles Silence.Awareness.Existance in Creative Center, Hämeenkyrö, Finland

find the whol catalog here: PAGE 482 - second last page

find some of the created content:

rethorical experiment

artist movement

haukijärvi - taken form the surface

if you wish to read the text "the science of dismanteling reality" entirely with greater comfort, check HERE